Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 318

Chapter 318


Chapter 318: What a Good Woman


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

This afternoon, Li Hua had to stay at home to help with the farming, so she had to put her research on the spicy soup recipe on hold for the day. She informed Gu Zi that she wouldnt be coming over in the afternoon.

Gu Zi thought this was just as well, as it would give her the opportunity to clean the house in the afternoon.

Just as she opened the main gate of her courtyard, Shi Tou, the boy next door, suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He jumped in front of Gu Zi, pinching his chubby cheeks and making a scary face, exclaiming, Ah, a ghost is here!

Gu Zi looked at his plump face, suppressing the urge to pinch it. Pretending to be scared, she patted her chest and said, Oh my, how terrifying! Is that you, Little Shi Tou? Youve nearly scared me to death!

Shi Tou quickly hugged Gu Zit s thigh and said, Dont be scared, Fairy Sister.

Shi Tou will protect you.

Amused by his antics, Gu Zi invited him in for some candy.

Shi Tou was delighted and said mysteriously, Fairy Sister, Shi Tou has a secret to tell you.

As she tucked Su Le in on the couch and returned to peel a White Rabbit candy for Shi Tou, Gu Zi said, Oh, Im quite curious. Go ahead.

My grandma has been very busy these days, looking for doctors everywhere. She said she wants to be good to Fairy Sister and find a way to help Uncle last longer in bed to help Fairy Sister get pregnant and have a baby!

Shi Tous words sent a shiver down Gu Zis spine. She thought, Help, who wants to have a baby?!

The uncle Shi Tou was referring to must be Su Shen. It must have been something Aunt Zhang said that Shi Tou overheard.

Adults often think that children dont understand anything and tend to speak freely in front of them.

But in reality, children are very smart and have good memories. They often remember more accurately what they hear. In this respect, Gu Zi did not doubt Shi Tous words.

Just as Gu Zi was about to ask Shi Tou why he said that, she heard hurried, heavy footsteps. Looking up, she saw Aunt Zhang, her face full of apologies.

Aunt Zhang came in, pulled Shi Tou away, and spanked him a few times. You little rascal, always coming over here to freeload. You deserve a spanking! Gu Zi, dont listen to Shi Touts nonsense. Im just a little worried about you.

Aunt Zhang looked troubled as she spoke. Gu Zi smiled and reassured her, Its okay, I invited Shi Tou over. Aunt Zhang, why dont you sit down and tell me whats going on?

Gu Zi washed two pears for Aunt Zhang and Shi Tou. After thanking her, Shi Tou picked up the green-yellow pear and took a big bite. The fruit was crisp, sweet, and juicy. It was the tastiest pear he had ever eaten.

Aunt Zhang initially declined but eventually picked up a pear and took a bite. Without asking, she knew that this was not a pear grown in their village.

She said, Its so sweet! I didnt mean to eavesdrop on your conversation. I just happened to pass by and heard that Little Su isnt very capable in certain aspects. I have something on my mind that I dont know whether to say or not, but I really want to talk to you about it.

Gu Zi couldnt help but cough lightly. It turned out that Aunt Zhang, like herself at first, had misunderstood Su Shen.

But whether Su Shen was capable or not, Gu Zi now had a say in the matter. However, she didnt say anything about it, only telling Aunt Zhang to speak freely.

Aunt Zhang was always straightforward. Seeing that Gu Zi was willing to listen, she said, I found a folk remedy these past few days. You could try giving it to Su Shen. Its harmless to the body, but if it works, youll be in for a treat.

As she spoke, Aunt Zhang took out a yellowed piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Gu Zi. Gu Zi unfolded the large piece of paper. It not only had writing on it but also two drawings of exercises for men to enhance their sxual function.

Because the drawings were too explicit, Gu Zi quickly folded the paper and put it away, saying, I actually think hes quite good. Its not that serious, right?

Upon hearing Gu Zis words, Aunt Zhang smiled, thinking that Gu Zi was indeed a good woman, even knowing to protect a mans dignity.

You can decide what to do. What happens behind closed doors is ultimately up to you, right? But listen to me, if theres really something wrong with Su Shen, dont be afraid to hurt his pride. If the folk remedy doesnt work, take him to the hospital right away. You mustnt delay, understand?

Gu Zi bit her lower lip and stuffed the folk remedy under the sofa cushion. She wanted to say that there was nothing wrong with Su Shen, but this was a private matter. She couldnt bring herself to discuss it with outsiders, so she just nodded and said, Okay, Ill handle it.

Gu Zi felt uneasy in her heart, thinking, Im sorry, Su Shen. But this shouldnt be a big deal, right? Because in reality, she knew that Su Shen was more than capable.. That was all that mattered!

